About: gabriele

Recent Posts by gabriele

“Banana peels cruise” at last the final cut!

The images of the "rubbish boat" which had been shot by the the movie maker, while in Stromboli for the screening of his movie, will become part of the latest film edit. By using those images the movie will gain 6 important minutes and will become a 27 minutes feature. Keep in touch for the the latest updates about the festivals and...
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International Prize “Best Short Film” at Cine’Eco

"The Cruise" did not come back empty handed from Portugal.  Infact "The banana peels cruise" won first prize in the International Short Movie section during the 18th edition of Cine'Eco, International Environmental Film Festival which took place in Seia,Portugal. The movie maker Salvo Manzone, was present to receive the prize; it is the third time that the movie gets an award....
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