Exploring Zero Waste
Series of short documentaries and reportages about Zero Waste in Europe (Spain, Italy, France) Helpful to form an idea of what Zero Waste is: the movement, the incinerators problem, the medias vision, the good practices, the theory of Zero Waste, and the success story of Capannori and Gipuzkoa of course.
Repairing Party in Paris
Two good practices during a Repairing Party inParis: the Disco Soup and the Repair Café. Shoot for a new project:ZeroWasteTerritory, a web-documentary about waste prevention according to Zero Waste philosophy. Repairing Party in Paris Film-maker Salvo Manzone Image: Luca Casavola...Zero Waste in Capannori
Presentation of Zero Waste strategy in Capannori (Italy). The footage comes from a documentary which is at the editing stage, Colapesce is back. Zero Waste in Capannori Film-maker Salvo Manzone Image: Luca Casavola With Rossano Ercolini President, Zero Waste Europe Prix Goldman 2013 Giorgio Del Ghingaro Mayor of Capannori Paul Connett Zero Waste founder...Zero Waste in Gipuzkoa, An investigation by Trash TV
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